Rundschau Ladies & Gentlemen magazine 2023 nr. 10

Item 3 of 4
€ 27,00 (including VAT)

This is magazine nr. 10 of October 2023 of the combined Rundschau magazine for Ladies and Gentlemen. The focus for the Ladies part of this magazine is on historical accessories. For the Gentlemen the focus is grading of a raglan coat. But the Ladies part starts first with photographs of the new Haute-Couture creations of suit attraction, special tricks for luxury look of costume. To be followed with 14 pages with clear work descriptions, drawings of historical accessories.

The enclosed pattern contains 4 Pullover - Sweatshirts (see picture) in European sizes 36-50.

The Gentlemen's main part of this magazine of pattern techniques is on grading raglan coats. As always we start the first pages filled with photographs of tuxedo vibes. To be followed with 9 pages with clear work descriptions, drawings and tables for grading raglan coats. 

The English work description for both the Ladies and Gentlemen part will be included in this magazine.

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